Please complete the member interest form below.

We're using a form just like this one to engage our new members, but we also want to engage our existing members to see where they want the GNA to go. It will take you less than 5 minutes, and it makes a BIG difference for where we go next. 

Join or Renew your GNA membership online or by mail.

We have several membership options available. The household or individual membership makes you an official member with 1 vote at our meetings. If you would like to contribute at a higher level, we have other options available and more votes too. The option and cost breakdown looks like this. All rates are PER YEAR:

Household/Individual (Full Membership, 1 vote) - $20

Family of 2 (2 votes) - $40

Family of 3 (3 votes) - $60

Family of 4 (4 votes) - $80

Family of 5 (5 votes) - $100


Select the option you'd prefer from the dropdown menu and click the red button. You'll be redirected to Paypal where you can pay with a debit or credit card OR with a Paypal account (Note: A Paypal account is NOT required). You'll get a notification of your payment being sent to and Gary Hansen, our treasurer. 

Select a Membership Option:


Send your check addressed to the "Gardenside Neighborhood Association" plus this form (completed) to: 

Gardenside Neighborhood Association

P.O. Box 4065

Lexington, KY 40504-4065