Home Improvement

Inspiration. Support. Guidance. That's what we hope you'll take from this page. We have examples from real homes in the neighborhood, what they've changed, and what they're thinking next. 

1956 Cape Cod - A Modern take that Respects Roots

Good design is at the heart of this house's re-imagining. Even if you're not a master designer, you can see the massive visual effect that clearing or moving unattractive landscape plants can have on curb appeal. Small touches and large changes combined have given this house a completely new life. 

1955 Brick Ranch - Modern Gardeners

The main BIG change in this house was the installation of the backyard mini-farm. Otherwise, most of the changes these homeowners have made were small, simple, and inexpensive improvements that add up to higher quality of life: Adding aftermarket remotes and a keypad to the VERY old garage door opener, stalling improved thresholds to keep water out, making use of vertical spaces in the kitchen, making and installing updated house numbers, painting, and CLEANING. Cleaning is always free and it always makes things look better. 

Got an idea for your yard, but not sure where to start?

We might be able to help you find the right people and resources. Contact us.